Registration is open for the Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA conference, October 9 - 10 in Sacramento.

Registration is open for the ADA Lunch & Learn: Employment Rights, September 24.

Accommodating employees with gender dysphoria

Posted on August 26, 2024

Gender dysphoria may be a protected disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. For some people whose gender identity is different than their assigned sex at birth, the experience may cause a lot of distress or they may have a hard time functioning, including at work. They may experience symptoms of depression, chronic anxiety, and panic attacks.

Gender dysphoria can affect workers in different ways, and the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) has a new resource with accommodation suggestions.

For more information, see the JAN resource, Gender Dysphoria and the ADA: Making the workplace more accessible from the start.

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