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U.S. Access Board signs agreement with disability and technology partners about artificial intelligence

Posted on May 23, 2024

The U.S. Access Board signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American Association of People with Disabilities and the Center for Democracy & Technology to make sure the disability community is involved in activities related to Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI can increase accessibility, but it can also create barriers for people with disabilities.

The MOU says the Access Board will work with these two organizations to:

  • Help create partnerships and information sharing between disability and technology communities.
  • Identify solutions to civil rights concerns, accessibility problems, and risks related to AI.
  • Provide information, technical assistance, and access to resources that will help disability and technology communities to promote and create safe, equitable, and accessible AI.

To learn more, read U.S. Access Board Holds Signing of Artificial Intelligence Memorandum of Understanding with Disability and Technology Partners.

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