Registration is now open! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

Category: Housing

Lawsuit settlement creates protections for unhoused community

In a “first-of-its-kind” settlement, the city of San Bernardino has agreed to a new policy that will prevent the destruction of unhoused individuals’ property and make sure there are reasonable accommodations for unhoused individuals with disabilities. Under the settlement, unhoused people with disabilities will receive “elevated levels of accommodation.” The lawsuit highlights how San Bernardino … Continued

New home modification toolkit

The Home Modification Toolkit: Lessons from the Field provides professionals with tools to increase home modification availability and awareness for older adults and persons with disabilities. The toolkit includes: Aging network efforts in home modification Enhancing home modification access and awareness Case studies and best practices of home modification efforts This resource was developed by … Continued

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