Registration is open for the Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA conference, October 9 - 10 in Sacramento.

Registration is open for the ADA Lunch & Learn: Employment Rights, September 24.

Ask an ADA professional questions RE: Other power-driven mobility devices (OPDMD)

OctOctober 9 2024

11:00am - 12:00pm

Sponsored by:

Region 6: Southwest ADA Center


People with mobility disabilities are entitled to use their wheelchairs, mobility aids (walkers, canes, etc.) as well as other power-driven mobility devices (OPDMD) in places where the public is allowed to go. People with disabilities can use a wide range of devices from ebikes to Segways and even motorized golf carts. But how does an ADA covered entity assess which of these devices can be accommodated by their facility? Can they limit how these devices are operated? How do they know if a person is allowed to use an OPDMD under the ADA?

Please join us for this live Q&A event with ADA professionals from the ADA National Network who will answer these and other questions related to the ADA rights of people with disabilities when it comes to the use of OPDMDs. Individuals may submit questions for the presenters in advance through the registration process. Human-generated captioning and sign language interpreters will be available.

Registration link and more information:

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