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January 2024 CASp Exam Workshop

JanJanuary 8 2024

8:00am - 12:15pm

A man in a hard hat looks at the camera with rolled blueprints under his arm. The words: Certified Access Specialist (CASp) Exam Preparation Course. Presented by: Jan Garret Deputy Director at Pacific ADA Center, Don Risdall CASp Technical Assistance Specialist at Pacific ADA Center, Pat Swartz Technical Assistance Specialist at Pacific ADA Center, Chris Vaughan Esquire CASp Attorney at Vaughan & Associates Law Office APC, Jim Dewey CASp 1038 CEM Manager at Innovo LLC, Michael P. Gibbens CASp ICC ACE ACD at Gibbens & Associates LLC, Sandra Miles CASp ADAC ICC APAC-BE Principal

The Pacific ADA Center announces a four-day online training course to provide a comprehensive review of the relevant knowledge, skills, and abilities covered on the examination to become a Certified Access Specialist (CASp) in the State of California. A CASp is a qualified individual who is certified by the California Division of the State Architect to review buildings and facilities for compliance with state and federal construction-related accessibility laws, codes, and standards, including the ADA.Course benefits:

  • Trainers from the Pacific ADA Center and respected Certified Access Specialists with extensive experience will explain the laws, codes, and standards and the reasons behind them.
  • In-class exercises that review architectural figures and plans to demonstrate accessibility concepts.
  • Review of sample questions relevant to the open and closed book sections of the exam.
Dates: January 8-11, 2024
Hours: 8:00 am to 12:00 noon daily
Location: Online with Zoom
Cost: $1,600 per personRegister now for the CASp Examination Training CourseIf you need to pay by a method other than credit card, please contact to register.

Thanks to our distinguished co-presenters:

Cris Vaughan, Esq, CASp
Vaughan & Associates Law Office, APC
Vaughan & Associates Law Office, APC. ADA Litigation Attorneys

Jim Dewey, CASp 1038, CEM
Innovo LLC
Innovo LLC. Revitalize, Renew, Empower.
Michael P. Gibbens, CASp, ICC, ACE, ACD
Gibbens & Associates LLC


Gibbens & Associates. The Access Guy. Michael P. Gibbens
Sandra Miles, CASp, ADAC, ICC, APAC-BE
Accessibility Specialists

For more information about the course, please email


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