Register now for the September CASp Examination Training course!  

Registration is open for the Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA conference, October 9 - 10 in Sacramento.

Persons with Disabilities, Technology, and the Evolving Legal Landscape

NovNovember 29 2023

11:00am - 12:30pm

Event Date/Time:

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
2:00 PM EST – 3:30 PM EST


Via Zoom Webinar platform


This webinar will discuss the rapid evolution in technology and the evolving legal landscape when it comes to the rights of persons with disabilities using that technology.

This session will have human generated real-time captioning.

Participants can submit questions for the presenter in advance during the registration process.

General Accommodations:

Open or Closed Captions
Materials Available in Alternate Formats

From the Sponsor:

Region 5 – Great Lakes ADA Center, Region 6 – Southwest ADA Center,


Business, Employer, People with Disabilities, State and Local Government, ADA Coordinator, Attorney or Other Legal Professional, Consumer Advocate, Educator, Family Member of Person With Disability, Industry Representative or Product Developer, Policy Expert, Researcher, Service Provider


Accessible Technologies, Enforcement


ACTCP Credit, Attendance,





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