Registration is now open! March 11 & 12 Beyond Compliance: Equity, Access, and the ADA Virtual Conference

Picture This! Identifying Non-Compliant Elements & Spaces

JulJuly 11 2024

11:30am - 1:00pm

How often have you encountered an inaccessible element or space in your daily life? Recognizing that the biggest room in the house is the room for improvement, this presentation will be filled with visual imagery and description of scenarios that demonstrate real-life non-compliant elements and spaces, along with the applicable Standard or Guideline to further knowledge of best design practices. Examples provided in the presentation will cover relevant sections from the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) Accessibility Standards, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Standards, and the Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG).

Video remote interpreting and real-time captioning will be provided in this webinar.

Questions can be submitted in advance of the session during the registration process or may be posed during the live webinar.

Continuing Education Recognition Available

Certificate Credit hours
California Architects Board 1.5
Certificate of Attendance 1.5
ICC 1.5
LA CES 1.5


Debra Martins , Accessibility Specialist, U.S. Access Board

Juliet Shoultz, Transportation Engineer, Office of Technical and Information Services


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